Welcome to NihongoPeraPera 3.0

39 months ago today I launched the first version of this site. When I started this site, I was still preparing for the 1kyuu and working as an English teacher. Now I do translation professionally.

I have had little time to update the site over the past two years, but I have continued to learn Japanese and refine my techniques. Recently, I have thankfully had some openings in my schedule, and as a result I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you over the coming weeks.

I am also in the process of going through all the old articles and updating or deleting them as necessary.

If there is anything in particular you would like to see please leave some comments in the space below.

(P.S. On the old site, I wrote under the name "Kaeru." Recent events have convinced me that there's no privacy on the Internet anyway, so from now on I will be using my real name.)


Hello Patrick, Congratulations on your new website :) Thanks for all the great advices you always have. Cheers!

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